Tournament rules provided by The Buffalo Movement Life.
The kickball diamond is a square with equal sides of 60 feet.
The strike zone extends to one foot on either side of home plate, and one foot high. There will be a box around the plate (two feet on all sides) which marks the strike zone. If any part of the ball falls within the zone or hits the line, then it is a strike (see Pitching/Catching for bouncing rule).
Teams shall consist of a maximum of 10 players on the field and a minimum of eight players, with no more then five guys on the field at any time. If a team does not have five females, they must play one male short no exceptions.
The kicking order is static and cannot change throughout the game. However, fielding positions can be changed between and during innings as long as no more than five males are on the field at one time.
An additional PAIR of kickers may be in the lineup. If there is an extra guy kicker there must be an extra girl kicker (12 kickers total).
No bouncing of the ball to the kicker higher than one foot (as measured from the bottom of the ball). If the ball is bouncing higher than one foot off the ground at any point past the female
bunting line before it reaches the plate, then it is a ball; however, the kicker does have the option of kicking it if he/she wishes.
If the pitch touches the line around the plate (and meets the conditions above), it is a strike.
The pitcher must stay within three feet of either side of the mound until the ball is kicked. If the pitcher crosses outside of the pitching area, a ball will be called. The kicker does have the option of kicking it if he/she so chooses.
A pitcher is allowed one step towards or off of the mound (no run ups)
Defensive players must be behind the bunt line until the ball is kicked.
The catcher must be positioned at least five feet behind the kicker and the plate until the ball is kicked. The catcher cannot interfere with the kicker.
Pitching must be underhand only.
All kicks must be made by the foot only and touched only once (ie, no knee or double-kicks). If a knee ball or double-kick occurs, the ball will be ruled a foul ball (strike).
The plant foot must be on or behind the line in front of home plate. If the line is crossed and the ball is put in play on the ground, it will be ruled a foul ball. If this “foul” ball is kicked in the air and the fielding team catches the pop fly, it will be ruled an out.
Males must kick the ball past the 1st-3rd base line. Males cannot bunt.. Any kick that does not reach the respective line will be considered a foul once it comes to a complete stop. If the ball is fielded before it reaches this line, it is in play and considered fair.
If a fly ball is fielded near the foul line, the ball is declared fair or foul depending on where the ball is touched, not where the fielders feet are.
When a ball is fielded by the defense, they may not “kick” it – it must be thrown to its intended destination. A kicked ball by the defense will result in either (1) all runners being called safe with each runner given a one base award or (2) no penalty if the runners advance farther than the one base award.
Third strike foul is out.
A count of three outs by a team completes the team’s half of the inning. An out can be recorded by throwing the ball to the base or hitting the runner below the shoulders.
Hitting the base with the ball does not count as an out. The fielder must hit the runner with the ball or maintain control of the ball on the base on a forced run.
When the ball is in the infield and no runners are between the bases, time will be called by the umpire, which signals “time out” in which no runners can advance. If the pitcher is within 5 feet of the mound the Umpire will call time and all runners not moving must step back to the base.
Games will last for seven innings, with the game being official after five innings (4 1/2 if the home team leads). No new innings will begin after 46 minutes have elapsed.
Unlike baseball, there are no extra innings; the game can end in a tie.
Any team that is not ready at game time automatically becomes the visitor and bats (kicks) first, so the game starts on time. If that team gets three outs, and still does not have the minimum numbers of players to take the field, it becomes a forfeit.
There is a limit of 10 runs per inning except for the last inning. If 10 runs are scored then the teams switch sides and the batter who was on deck starts the next inning.
If a team leads by 12 runs or more after five innings, the game will be declared over.
Runners must stay within the base line.
Fielders must stay out of the base line unless they are attempting to tag the runner or catch the kicked ball.
Fielders trying to make an out on base may have their foot on base, but must lean out of the baseline.
If a fielder attempts to physically obstruct a runner from advancing, the runner may advance as many bases as they would have potentially earned had they been able to run unobstructed. This is a judgment call by the official.
There will be an extra first base (aka safety base) placed next to first base for the runner. The fielder must tag the regular base to record the out and may not interfere in any way with the runner’s base path. A fielder tagging the safety base only is not an out.
It is the responsibility of the runner to avoid a collision. Please save yourself and your opponents from injury by paying attention.
Neither leading off base, nor stealing a base is allowed.
A runner leading off base before the ball is kicked is out.
Hitting a runner with the ball above shoulder level is not allowed and the runner is safe, except for the following situations:
– If the runner intentionally uses the head to block the ball (runner is out).
– If the runner is ducking, diving, or sliding (i.e. attempting to dodge the ball) and is hit in the head because of this (runner is out).
– If the runner intentionally hits or kicks the ball out of bounds after being tagged out, the ball is dead and all runners must return to their original bases.
Runners may tag on all fair & foul balls. In a “tagging” situation, the runner may leave base as soon as the ball is FIRST touched by a member of the fielding team (see softball rules for further clarification, if needed).
On an overthrow, all players may continue to advance provided the ball is still in play. The ball is dead if it touches sideline players, spectators, equipment, or goes out of bounds.
When two runners are on the same base at the same time, the fielder has the choice of tagging either runner with the ball. The runner who is tagged is out and the other runner is safe and may stay on the base.
If a rule is not otherwise stated here standard softball rules hold.
There is no Infield Fly Rule, unless the fielder intentionally drops the ball in an attempt to turn a double play. That will be ruled an unsportsman touch and all players will advance.
Some fields will have out of bounds areas. The refs will declare these areas before the start of each game. If the ball enters one of these areas, the ball is dead and play will stop. Extra bases may be awarded depending on the particular field. Check with your umpire for details.
Defenses must have an equal number of males and females in the infield and outfield.
Runners who approach a fielder and screams in the players direction in order to get that player to drop a playable ball will be called out and all runners will go back to their base.
Drink responsibly and have fun…